How to Choose Solar Contractors

  Navigating the world of solar energy can be daunting, especially when you’re trying to find the right solar contractor for your needs. Symons Energy is here to guide you through the essential steps to ensure you’re making informed decisions for a brighter, eco-friendly future. Why Choose Solar Energy? Environmental Benefits: Solar power reduces your…

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Rooftop Solar Panel Considerations

  Solar energy is all the rage these days, and for a good reason. It’s a brilliant way to save money and help the environment. At Symons Energy, we’re excited to show you what you should consider when it comes to rooftop solar panels. Read on to discover all the important aspects of rooftop solar,…

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How Long Do Solar Panels Last

Are you considering going solar and wondering about the lifespan of solar panels? Making an informed choice can be facilitated by comprehending the lifespan of solar panels, thereby establishing that investing in solar energy is a prudent decision. At Symons Energy, we’re dedicated to providing you with accurate and reliable information. This article will delve…

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How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?

Deciding how many solar panels you need for your home or business can be a challenging task. This is where we, at Symons Energy, step in to offer our expertise and guidance. With the rising need for energy efficiency, and Australia’s commitment to renewable energy, understanding your solar requirements has never been more critical. Recent…

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Are Solar Panels Expensive to Maintain?

At Symons Energy, we often get asked about the affordability and practicality of solar panel maintenance. Many of our clients want to know, “Are solar panels expensive to maintain?” This question is understandable as the cost-efficiency and sustainability of solar power are key factors in their appeal. To answer this, let’s delve into the topic…

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Can You Mix Different Types of Solar Panels

As Australians increasingly embrace renewable energy solutions, solar power is proving to be a favourite solution. It is shining brightly at the forefront of this eco-friendly revolution. At Symons Energy, we frequently get asked – can you mix different types of solar panels? The answer isn’t a straightforward yes or no. It depends on numerous…

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How to Clean Solar Panels

Maintaining the efficacy of your solar panels is crucial to reaping the maximum benefits from this renewable energy source. At Symons Energy, we understand the importance of routine maintenance and cleaning. But how do you clean solar panels on the roof automatically, from the ground, and what’s the best solar panel cleaner? Let’s take a…

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How to Install Solar Panels on a Flat Roof?

Free Blue Solar Panel Board

Solar panels are an excellent investment, as they not only help reduce energy costs but also reduce the carbon footprint of a building. Installing solar panels on a flat roof may seem like a daunting task, but with proper planning and guidance, it can be a relatively straightforward process. In this blog post, our step-by-step…

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How To Choose The Best Battery For A Solar Energy System?

Consider upgrading to a reliable solar battery system if your current one frequently drains power. This will ensure that your solar panels perform efficiently. With the right solar battery, you can store the energy generated by your solar panels and have a backup power source even during cloudy days. In this article, we will explore…

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7 Do’s and Don’ts of Solar Panel Maintenance

Solar panels are an excellent energy production method. Like any other technology however, solar systems require maintenance to function at their best. A solar panel’s performance wears down over time. This can happen due to various factors such as weather, pollution, and even bird droppings. A build-up of debris can reduce the amount of sunlight…

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Are Solar Panels Worth It?

You might have noticed that more and more households are opting to have solar panels installed to generate electricity from solar energy. This is because the government supports this shift to reusable energy and provides various government incentives for people to move towards solar energy and install solar panels in their houses or offices. You…

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What Are Solar Panels Made Of?

Solar Panel

Each chemical component and material used in constructing a solar panel is essential for the successful and effective conversion of sun energy into electrical output. Most solar panels that are made from photovoltaic cells or silicone cells are made mostly of crystalline silicon chips. To protect the delicate silicon cells on solar panels while still allowing…

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Benefits of solar energy


With more and more people here in Australia being concerned about the impact of climate change and seeking to move away from burning fossil fuels. Have you ever stopped to consider the benefits of solar energy as an alternative renewable clean energy source and the impact it could have on your everyday life? The Value…

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Do I Need A Permit To Install Solar Panels

Do I need a permit to install solar panels?

‘Green Living’ is today’s generation’s new way of life, and solar panels are one of them. With today’s prices rising by the minute, adopting more environmentally friendly technology not only helps you keep your budget in check but also helps to combat climate change. If you’ve decided to add solar panels to your home, kudos;…

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What Does It Cost To Install Solar Panels?

Solar panels

Solar panels are gaining popularity amongst Australian residents, and it’s for all the right reasons. The Australian government has been highly supportive of this and has been providing many benefits to people who opt for this smart solution to their energy consumption. Based on the area of your residence, you are allowed to get a…

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How Are Solar Panels Installed?

man in white dress shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on white and black solar panel

Today nearly 3 million Australian households are using solar energy to generate power for their homes. Using renewable energy from the sun to create solar energy makes for an inexpensive and sustainable energy source and saves you a lot of money on your electricity bills. So if you’re considering making your life more energy efficient…

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How Long Does It Take To Install Solar Panels?

Typical new residential property with solar panels in South Australia

A record 3 million Australians have decided to switch to a home solar system for generating power because they were fed up with high electricity bills. So if you want to join them but have been put off because you’re concerned about how long it takes to install solar panels. You have come to the…

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Is My Roof Structure Safe For Solar Panels

Solar Panel

If you are planning to install solar panels in your home or office, you ideally want to install panels in a location where you get the most unobstructed sunlight. The roof naturally becomes the most preferred location for installing solar panels. Solar installation on your roof can save you money on your electric bill, but…

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How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

Solar panel

When you decide to buy a solar panel, you probably want to know how long solar panels last. Installing solar panels is a great way to save money on utility bills and an admirable move towards supporting a sustainable lifestyle. However, since undertaking solar panel installation can be a significant investment, homeowners naturally want to…

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Advantages Of East-West Systems In The Commercial Sector

  1 INTRODUCTION When planning a commercial photovoltaic system, it is necessary to adapt to local conditions in order to generate the maximum yield at a low cost. First of all, along with the classic system design, it is necessary to decide the direction of alignment for the system. In this document, different system alignments…

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How Do Solar Panels Work?

How does solar energy work

With over 86% of Australia’s electricity being generated by traditional non-renewable energy sources, it’s not surprising that more and more homeowners are exploring solar energy as an alternative source for their electricity needs. In this article, we’re going to understand what is meant by solar energy and, at the same time, take a look at how solar…

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Smart energy council master installer

Find a Master Installer for your next solar, battery storage or off-grid project Installing solar is a long-term investment Master installers are professionals who provide expert advice, design and installation to give you the best long-term solar return. To be a Master Installer, installers must pass an intensive training program, and remain current with the…

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The Importance Of Choosing A CEC Approved Solar Retailer

It starts with having total peace of mind and ends by knowing you’re working with someone you can trust. By working with a CEC Approved Solar Retailer, you’ll know you’re working with a company that has gone through a rigorous approval process and is committed to delivering solar industry best practices. What is a CEC…

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REC Certified Solar Panel Installers

Being REC Certified, is more than just a picture on the wall When a lot of companies in our business say they’re ‘certified installers’, what they’re really saying, is that they have a piece of paper hanging on the office wall for everyone to admire, and not a great deal more. But being REC Certified…

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What to look for in a solar panel

Solar Panel Efficiency When people mention solar panel efficiency, they are referring to the ratio of the energy in sunlight that hits the surface of a panel to the electrical energy produced by a module. This ratio is expressed as a percentage and can be found in the panels data sheets. As a guide, all…

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What Is Base Load Power

Whenever conservatives argue against the introduction of renewable energy, they talk about “base load power” and the inability for renewable energy generation such as wind and solar to supply base load power. Former Federal Liberal PM Tony Abbott: “The only way we can have reliable baseload power is through coal and gas, particularly coal.” Minerals…

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New Battery has Potential

Battery storage has been around for ages.  However, when power prices were low, it was not worth considering for most households except for those in rural Australia where the cost of being grid connected was prohibitive. Even then, the price was high and the batteries could only supply limited power. A large generator was needed…

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How To Avoid Dodgy Solar Companies

Solar panel

Over the 13 years of my involvement in the solar industry, I have seen some very questionable behavior from solar companies and some activities that are outright dangerous. These companies are not only hurting consumers, they are also damaging the industry and the ethical companies that are trying to do the right thing.  It’s more…

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Solar Energy

Do i need a building permit for the installation of solar energy system?

Our Sun produces two forms of energy, photovoltaic energy produced by the Sun’s light and solar thermal energy, produced by the Sun’s warmth. We use both forms; photovoltaic energy can produce electricity and thermal produces warmth.  According to Emily Kerr of Harvard University “The Sun emits enough power onto Earth each second to satisfy the entire human energy…

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