How To Choose The Best Battery For A Solar Energy System?

Consider upgrading to a reliable solar battery system if your current one frequently drains power. This will ensure that your solar panels perform efficiently. With the right solar battery, you can store the energy generated by your solar panels and have a backup power source even during cloudy days.

In this article, we will explore the world of solar batteries and help you make an informed decision on the best battery system for your solar system. Get ready to say goodbye to a power outage and hello to a seamless, renewable energy experience!

How Do Solar Batteries Work?

Solar batteries store energy generated by solar panels when the panels are not producing sufficient power, typically through a process called charging and discharging. During times of peak solar production, the excess energy is directed to the solar battery, where it is stored for later use. When the solar panels are not developing enough energy to meet the demand, the stored energy in the battery can be used to supplement the shortage.

Solar batteries are typically made of lithium-ion, lead-acid, or salt water and can be sized based on the amount of energy storage capacity required. They also have a built-in inverter to convert the stored DC energy into AC energy that can be used in homes and businesses.

the roof of the, house, the window

Are Solar Batteries Worth The Cost?

Solar batteries can be expensive — in most Australian states, a 6kW Solar PV System costs between $4,000 and $6,000, while a 10kW system costs between $7,500 and $10,500 — but if a solar customer can afford them, there are many advantages to having a solar battery as part of your solar installation set up.

For a comprehensive quote and professional advice on selecting the best solar battery for your solar system, speak to the team here at Symons Energy.

What Criteria Should I Compare When Buying A Solar Battery?

You must be clear about your goals before making an investment in one of the many solar battery choices available. Here is a list of key categories to help you distinguish between good and terrible solar batteries.

  • Size of the battery
  • Life cycle: This is the number of times a solar battery can be fully charged and discharged before its performance deteriorates. To ensure you get the most out of your investment, purchasing a solar battery with a long cycle life is advisable.
  • Functionality & Efficiency – This measures how effectively the battery performs throughout the course of one cycle. Like many other items in your home, batteries demand energy. Check for round-trip efficiency, which is the amount of electricity the battery can produce after using the energy it needs.
  • Cost: Since popular solar batteries’ prices might vary, it is best to compare options and choose one that fits your budget.
  • Usable storage capacity (USC): This is how much energy your battery can hold simultaneously and is measured in kWh. The capacity of a common solar battery is generally 10 kWh.

Different Solar Battery Types

Solar batteries are an essential component of a solar energy system, as they store excess energy generated by solar panels. Various types of solar batteries are available in the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Some of the most commonly used solar battery types are Lead-Acid batteries and Lithium-Ion batteries. These batteries vary in terms of cost, efficiency, and lifespan, making it important to consider the specific needs of your solar energy system before selecting a battery.

There Are Several Solar Battery Options, Including:

  1. Lead Acid batteries: The most commonly used type of solar battery – it is cost-effective and widely available.
  2. Lithium-Ion batteries: It is lightweight, have a longer lifespan, and higher depth of discharge compared to lead-acid batteries. Lithium batteries are the type of battery system that most electric car manufacturers use.
  3. Nickel-Cadmium (NiCad) batteries: Known for their long lifespan and reliability, but are more expensive compared to lead-acid batteries.
  4. Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries: A newer type of battery known for its high energy density and reliability.
  5. Flow batteries: Designed for large-scale energy storage, they store energy in a liquid form, making them highly efficient but also more expensive compared to other types of batteries.
  6. Saltwater batteries: A newer type of battery, it uses saltwater as an electrolyte, making it more environmentally friendly than other types of batteries.

What Type Of Battery Should You Go For?

Making the right choice for your solar battery can be a game-changer for your solar panel system! Consider factors such as capacity, compatibility, and cost when selecting the battery that will power your home.

Having a clear understanding of your solar power systems and their solar storage batteries can help you make the right choice. Always ensure that when you pick a solar battery for your solar battery storage system, you look up its depth of discharge dod, battery capacity, and backup power.

Here at Symons Energy, we’re committed to making sure you get the maximum benefit out of your solar energy system and that’s why we only supply the best solar batteries.

solar panels, placement, green energy

Advantages of solar batteries

Solar systems are becoming increasingly popular as people recognise the benefits they offer. But a solar system with a battery system and battery storage has better benefits. Here are some advantages of solar batteries that you might not know about:

Energy independence

One of the biggest advantages of solar batteries is that they allow you to be more independent regarding your energy usage. With solar battery storage, you can store the excess power generated by your solar panels during the day and use them at night or when the sun isn’t shining.

Lower energy bills

By using solar batteries and off-grid systems, you can reduce your reliance on the main electricity grid, which can help to lower your energy bills. You can also use your stored energy during peak hours when electricity prices are at their highest, saving you money.


Solar batteries are an environmentally friendly way of energy storage. They don’t emit harmful pollutants, and they help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Reliable backup power

In a power outage, home solar batteries can provide reliable backup power. You won’t have to worry about being without electricity for an extended period, and you can continue to power essential appliances like your refrigerator and medical equipment.

Long lifespan

Solar batteries have a long battery lifespan, which means that you won’t have to replace them as frequently as other types of batteries. They can last up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance, which can help you to save money in the long run.

blue solar panel

Solar Battery Options

There are several types of solar batteries available in the market. Here are the most common solar battery types:

Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead acid batteries are the most traditional type of solar battery and have been used for many years. They are relatively inexpensive but have a shorter battery life than other battery types.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium batteries have a higher energy density and a longer lifespan than lead-acid batteries. As a result, lithium-ion batteries are also more expensive, but they offer better performance and are more efficient.

Saltwater Batteries

These batteries use salt water as the electrolyte and are environmentally friendly. They have a long lifespan and are safe to use.

Flow Batteries

Flow batteries store energy in tanks of electrolytes and are known for their scalability. A flow battery can hold a lot of energy and is ideal for commercial and industrial applications.

Nickel-Cadmium Batteries

These batteries are known for their reliability and are used in various applications. They are more expensive than lead-acid batteries but have a longer lifespan.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Solar Batteries

Choosing the right solar battery is an important decision that requires careful consideration. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a solar battery:


The capacity of the battery determines how much energy it can store. It is encouraged to explore whether it is regularly usable capacity or whether the power capacity will deteriorate from the original capacity with time.

Choosing a high-capacity battery with enough capacity to meet your energy needs is important. Consider your energy usage, the size of your solar system, and the battery’s capacity when deciding.


The round-trip efficiency of the battery refers to how much electricity it can store and how much power it can generate. Higher round-trip efficiency means saving money on your energy bills and maximising your solar system’s use.

Battery Performance

The lifespan of the battery is a crucial factor to consider. Choosing a battery with a long lifespan is important to avoid frequent replacements and additional costs.


The cost of the battery is a significant factor to consider. Choosing a battery that fits your budget while still meeting your energy needs is essential.


Most solar batteries require regular maintenance, while others require minimal maintenance. It’s important to consider the maintenance requirements of the battery before making your decision.


Ensure that the battery you choose is compatible with your solar system. Different batteries work with different types of solar systems, so it’s important to choose a battery that works well with your specific system.


Look for a battery with a warranty that covers a significant period. A good warranty will give you peace of mind and protect your investment.

black and white solar panels

Consult The Best Solar Battery Experts In Town

When choosing a solar battery, it’s essential to consider your specific energy needs, budget, and the type of residential solar system you have installed. It’s always best to consult with a professional to determine the best type of battery with the best energy storage system.

Here at Symons Energy, we have extensive knowledge and experience helping residents like you with solar installations and consultations on their solar power systems. Trust us to help you make an informed decision that meets your electricity usage. Contact us to schedule a consultation and start enjoying the benefits of solar energy.


Q1. How many solar batteries do I need per solar system?

Ans: The number of solar batteries needed for a solar panel system depends on several factors, including the total usable capacity required, the size of the solar power system, and the amount of power that needs to be stored. On average, a solar panel system may require 1 to 3 batteries, but this can vary.

Q2. How much power does a typical solar battery store?

Ans: A typical solar battery has a storage capacity ranging from several kilowatt-hours (kWh) to several hundreds, depending on the battery size and model. For example, a common solar battery for residential use has a capacity of around 5-20 kWh, while commercial-scale batteries can have capacities of hundreds of kilowatt-hours. The exact storage capacity needed will depend on the specific energy needs and usage patterns of the solar panel system.

Q. How many solar batteries does a residential solar system need?

Ans. The number of solar batteries required for a residential solar system depends on various factors, such as energy usage, system size, and storage needs. A professional solar installer can assess these factors and determine the appropriate number of batteries needed for optimal performance.

Q. How long can I use the same battery in a solar panel system?

Ans. The lifespan of a solar panel battery varies depending on the type of battery, usage, and maintenance. On average, a solar battery can last between 5-15 years, with some batteries lasting up to 20 years or more.

Author : Kosta Symons

Published Date : February, 10 2023

At Symons, we only install panels and batteries we know you will love. Get to learn more about installing solar panels in our blog. Read More.